What attracts silverfish in the bedroom and how to get rid of them


Silverfish, those silvery, slithering insects, can be an unwelcome surprise in any home, particularly in bedrooms where we seek comfort and relaxation. These tiny creatures are attracted to specific conditions and substances found in bedrooms, and understanding their preferences is crucial for effective eradication. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what attracts silverfish to bedrooms and provide practical solutions to bid them farewell.

What Attracts Silverfish to Bedrooms?

  1. Humidity Levels: Silverfish thrive in environments with high humidity. Bedrooms, being a common space for activities like sleeping, showering, and even indoor plants, can have elevated moisture levels. Silverfish are attracted to damp areas and find such conditions ideal for breeding. Maintaining optimal humidity levels is the first step in preventing silverfish infestations.
  2. Dark and Warm Spaces: Bedrooms often provide dark and warm hiding spots, making them attractive to silverfish. These nocturnal creatures prefer undisturbed areas where they can feed on starchy substances found in clothing, books, and wallpaper. Cluttered spaces and neglected corners create perfect hiding spots for silverfish.
  3. Food Sources: Silverfish are not picky eaters, and they consume a variety of substances, including carbohydrates, sugars, and proteins. Bedrooms may contain a plethora of potential food sources such as paper, glue, clothing, and dead insects. Unsealed food items in bedrooms can also attract silverfish, as they are opportunistic feeders.
  4. Paper and Textiles: Silverfish have a penchant for paper and textiles containing substances like starch and cellulose. Old books, wallpaper, and even clothing can be attractive to silverfish. Additionally, the glue binding books and the sizing on wallpaper serve as additional food sources.

How to Get Rid of Silverfish in Bedrooms

  1. Reduce Humidity: Since silverfish thrive in humid environments, the first step in eliminating them is to reduce humidity levels in the bedroom. Use dehumidifiers to maintain optimal humidity levels (around 40-60%). Ensure proper ventilation by using exhaust fans in bathrooms and by opening windows regularly to allow fresh air circulation.
  2. Fix Leaks and Seal Entry Points: Silverfish are attracted to water sources, so it’s crucial to fix any leaks promptly. Check for and seal any cracks, gaps, or openings around windows, doors, and walls to prevent silverfish from entering your bedroom. This will also help in controlling the overall indoor humidity.
  3. Declutter and Clean: Eliminate potential hiding spots for silverfish by decluttering your bedroom. Regularly vacuum and dust to remove food particles, dead insects, and skin flakes, which are all potential food sources for silverfish. Keep clothing and other textiles in sealed containers, reducing their accessibility to these pests.
  4. Use Natural Repellents: Certain substances act as natural repellents for silverfish. Diatomaceous earth, a fine powder that dehydrates insects, can be sprinkled in areas where silverfish are likely to hide. Essential oils like lavender, citrus, and cedarwood are known to repel silverfish and can be used in DIY sprays or diffusers.
  5. Store Food Properly: If you have snacks or food items in your bedroom, store them in airtight containers. This not only prevents silverfish attraction but also ensures the overall cleanliness of the space. Remember that even seemingly non-food items like glue and paper can be food sources for silverfish.
  6. Chemical Treatments: If the infestation is severe, consider using chemical treatments. Insecticides and desiccants specifically designed for silverfish can be applied in cracks, crevices, and other hiding spots. However, use these products with caution, following the instructions carefully, and consider consulting with a pest control professional.
  7. Professional Pest Control: If all else fails, or if the infestation is beyond your control, seeking the assistance of a professional pest control service is advisable. Pest control professionals have the expertise and equipment to identify and eliminate silverfish infestations effectively.


Silverfish in the bedroom can be a nuisance, but with a proactive and comprehensive approach, you can significantly reduce their attraction and eliminate existing populations. By addressing factors such as humidity, cleanliness, and access to potential food sources, you can create an environment that is inhospitable to silverfish. Employing natural repellents and, if necessary, chemical treatments can provide an extra layer of defense. Regular maintenance and vigilance are key to keeping silverfish at bay and ensuring a comfortable, pest-free bedroom.


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Swatisweta Parida

She has an M.tech in Mechanical engineering from Pune University and is currently working as a Freelance Content Writer. She loves to write about animals and shares some of her thoughts on this website.

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