What to feed a two-month-old kitten?


A newborn kitten can easily fit on your palm and has a tiny stomach. The stomach of a newborn kitten is almost the size of your thumb. Like other mammals, it depends on her mother’s milk for complete nutrition.

 A Newborn kitten depends on her mother’s milk within two hours in the first week. But later, it needed her mother’s milk six times a day. But as the kitten grows gradually, it starts playing or moving everywhere in your house. A two-month-old kitten is usually 1.8 to 1.9 pounds.

So most cat owners get confused about what to feed a two-month-old kitten. When a kitten is about to become two months, she is entering a period when she will quickly gain weight. She will start swallowing everything near her. 

But you should not allow your kitten to do so. Additionally, you cannot give her a large nutritious meal like an adult cat once a day. If you do so, your 2-month-old kitten will not be able to digest food properly. 

She may also have an upset stomach and gastrointestinal problems. So, you need to feed multiple times in a day. You can feed six to seven times a day and each time, try to serve half a cup of nutritious food to your 2-month-old kitten. However, the amount of food can vary depending on the breed type and your veterinary doctor’s advice.

Does A Kitten Stop Weaning At Two Months Of Age?

When a kitten is usually six weeks old, she starts weaning or stops taking milk from the mother cat. She starts biting the nipple of her mother hard or tries to eat her mother’s food. It indicates that you need to replace her milk diet with solid food.

But if your kitten still depends on the mother’s cat milk even after six weeks, weaning can be done after a few weeks. 

How Can You Wean Kitten?

Weaning is a process in which the kitten stops to take the mother cat’s milk and starts eating independently. Most cats do that by six weeks of their age. But if your kitten is still attached to her mother, you can follow the procedure below.

1. Purchase A Milk Replacer And Kiten Food 

Your first duty is to purchase a good milk replacer and kitten food from the market. The milk replacer is designed in such a way that it has the taste of a mother’s cat milk. Try to select good quality kitten food also from the market. Your kitten is in the growing stage. So, her body depends heavily on protein. You need to choose kitten food with meat on the ingredients list. The kitten food having meta as ingredients proves that that is high in protein.

Some cat owners give cows milk to their kittens. We strongly advise you not to do this, as your kitten cannot digest cow’s milk. Your kitten can have gastrointestinal issues or stomach upset after taking cow’s milk at this sage.

2. Start Weaning Process

Your kitten needs 4-5 meals in 24 hours. You must give your kitten one-fourth cup of replacement milk and food at every meal.

3. Make a habit of Bowl Feeding

It is difficult because your kitten is suckling milk from her mother’s nipple. So sudden bowl feeding may be a bit challenging for your kitten. But within a few days kitten gets adapted to it. 

You need to show the milk bowl and keep it near your kitten. But don’t force your kitten to put her complete head into the bowl because by doing this, she can inhale milk which can cause lung issues.

4. Begin To Introduce Solid Food

Once your kitten has thoroughly adapted to eating food from the bowl, you can introduce solid food. You can introduce good quality ground kitten food at this stage. Mix it thoroughly with the milk replacer and offer them to your kitten.

5. Move To Solid Food

Moist your kitten food less and less, and start solid food. Try always to keep a bowl of water near the food bowl.

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What To Feed A Two-Month-Old Kitten?

A two-month-old kitten needs rich food in calcium, protein, vitamins, and minerals. So, you need to feed a complete solid food to your two-month-old kitten. You can introduce BARF food to your kitten. Remember, if your kitten only eats dry food, it will make her obese within less time.

Most Veterinary doctors suggest eating BARF(Biologically suitable raw foods) for your kitten. A BARF diet usually comprises a lot of raw bones and meat. They are even accompanied by rice, pasta, and vegetables.

 The BARF diet is high in moisture and protein, which is good for your kitten’s body. Additionally, raw meat contains taurin and various vitamins and minerals, which is necessary for the proper growth of your kitten.

Cats are carnivorous animals. So, they need other animals’ meat and flesh for survival. The same rule goes for a two-month-old kitten. Raw food is good for kittens as it increases energy and promotes dental and urinary health. It even aids in digestion.

You can purchase BARF food directly from many pet stores or prepare it at home. But remember, if you prepare it at home, there are chances of contamination. Again if the raw food is not stored and prepared well, it can be dangerous for your cute kitten.

Many cat owners wonder how much BARF food to feed their kittens. You need to feed 2 to 4 percent of your cat’s weight. Again every ca’s body is different. So, the exact amount may vary depending on factors like age, metabolism, weight, and many more.

Your two-month-old kitten will be completely new to the BARF diet. So, you need to increase the amount of BARF diet gradually. 

Again don’t introduce a 100 percent BARF diet at once. First, you need to give your kitten a small BARF diet and observe her health. If your kitten does not have any health issues, then you can increase the BARF diet slowly, and at the end of one week, you can completely shift to the BARF diet.

Can I Give Home Food To My Two-Month-Old Kitten?

Yes, you can give homemade food to the two-month-old kitten. You can give your leftover food, fish, meat, and vegetables, to your kitten. But it isn’t easy to know whether your kitten’s nutritional requirements are met as required by his body. 

Hence you have to weigh every food item and cook properly so your kitten can get all the nutrition needed by his body.

You can even give kibble to your kitten. But always read the package instructions before giving the kitten dry kibble. You need to prepare a kibble diet per the instructions on the packaging and give it to your adorable two-month-old cat.

How Much Should I feed A Two-Month-Old Kitten?

You need to feed at least four times a day to your 2-month-old kitten as their stomach is too small. If you feed your kitten at a time in large quantities, then she can vomit or have diarrhea.

Try to feed only one-half to one-fourth cup on every meal. But if you observe that your kitten is getting obese very soon, you need to reduce the quantity. Simultaneously if you observe that your kitten is thin, you can increase the amount to a small extent on every meal.


We have discussed the food you can give to a two-month-old kitten. Remember, if you provide household food to the kitten most of the time and give occasional dry kibble, your kitten may not eat it. It can be an issue when you want to leave your kitten on board for some days.

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Swatisweta Parida

She has an M.tech in Mechanical engineering from Pune University and is currently working as a Freelance Content Writer. She loves to write about animals and shares some of her thoughts on this website.

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